Quiz Settings
Send Question Automatically
If this is ticked the question will automatically be displayed on players devices and the big screen when you press ‘Next Question’. If it is not ticked you can see the question and read it out and then manually send to players devices and the big screen.
Silence Applause Effects
Check this to turn off the applause sound effect that plays when you announce the question results.
Silence No Correct Answer
Check this to turn off the sad trombone sound effect that happens if no one is correct.
Silence Question Countdown
Check this to stop the countdown audio from playing.
Silence Next Question Sound Effect
Check this to stop the next question sound effect from playing.

Silence End Of Round Drum Roll
Check this to turn off the drum roll sound effect that happens at the end of the round.
Hide Scoreboard
Check this to stop the scoreboard being displayed automatically at the end of each round.
Bingo Settings
Show Prize Message to Winners
If ticked, a player who wins four corners, one line, two lines or a full house will get a message telling them to take their device to the host to collect their prize.
Mix Sound Effect
This is the sound effect that plays clips. You can choose from explosion, glass breaking, horns, record spin or up mix.
Clip Start Point (%)
You can set the start point of each clip played during your game of musical bingo. You can set it to ‘From Start’ which will play the clip from the start, ‘Random’ will start the clips at random points or ‘Specify’ which is measured as a percent of the whole song. So if you set it to 50 it will start half way through the clip.

Clip Duration (Sec)
You can set the duration of each clip (in seconds) played during your game of musical bingo. You can also set it to ‘Whole Clip’ to play the entire clip. We suggest you use clips between 15 and 30 seconds long.
Big Screen Settings
Custom Logo
You can replace the Crafty Quiz logo shown in the bottom left corner of the screen. To upload your own logo click upload and select your logo. Uploads must be image files such as JPEG or PNG.
Custom Background
You can upload an image to use as the background on the big screen. Uploads must be image files such as JPEG or PNG and we recommend using an image ratio of 16.9.
Background Colour
To change the colour of the background enter the six digit hex code in the box. If you have uploaded a background image this will override the colour.

Theme Colour
To change the theme colour enter the six digit hex code in the box.
Text Colour
To change the text colour enter the six digit hex code in the box.