Standard questions
Nearest Wins questions
Full Text

Standard questions are answered in one of three ways.
If the answer starts with a letter you choose whether your players answer with Full Text or Alphapad as you are hosting your quiz.
If the answer is a number then players automatically answer using the Numberpad.

Nearest wins questions must have a numerical answer so players use the numberpad to submit their answer.
They are great for tie-break situations.
If two or more players are an equal distance from the correct answer the quickest team gets the points.
Multiple Choice Questions
out of order Questions

There are two types of multiple choice questions, Text and Picture.
In both types players select the answer or answers which they think are correct and press submit.

In out of order questions, players have to put the answer options into the correct order.
They tap on each answer to put them in order.
Players have to get all the answers in the correct order to get the points.
wipeout questions
you decide Questions

Players are given a number of answers and must select the correct ones.
They get points for each correct answer they choose but if they get one wrong they don’t get any points.

There is no set correct answer to a you decide question.
The correct answer is the most popular one i.e. the one the most players choose.
If two or more options get the same number of votes then the correct answer is the one which was seleced first.