If you have the same team winning every week it can really put other teams off and before you know it, your once busy quiz night will be empty!
It could be that the winning team has found a way to cheat so that’s always worth investigating so why not checkout the ‘How To Stop Cheating’ article.
Even if they’re not cheating this can still be bad for your weekly quiz so we’ve come up with a few ways you can even the odds for your other teams.
Mix It Up
Be sure to change your quiz format and themes every week. If the winning team struggle with a specific subject, you could include that more often. Also use different question types like pictures, music, anagrams, cryptic and lateral thinking questions.
Not Just About the Answer
You could give out extra points to teams for things other than getting a question right e.g. funniest team name or best fancy dress. There’s also the extra question features like Fastest Fingers, Minus Marks, Answer Limit and Locked Out so it’s not just about knowing the right answer.
You could play a creative game where teams must build or make something with unusual materials e.g. plasticine, Lego, pen and paper, then award extra points to the most creative teams. You could also include games like ‘Fetch’ where you tell all the teams they have to bring you something and the quickest teams get extra points.
Last Team Picks A Theme
You could let the team that comes last choose the themed round for next week. They’ll have a bit of an advantage by knowing what subject to ‘brush up on’ plus they’re more likely to come back so you won’t lose their custom.
Reduce Team Size
If your regular winners are a large team, you could dock points for having more than six players e.g. -25 points per person over six.
Get Really Nasty!
Hopefully it won’t get to this but if nothing else works you could be really nasty and start last week’s winning team with a handicap so they start with minus points.