The big screen feature allows hosts to use additional displays such as a television or projector, to give participants a much more exciting experience and for questions which contain picture reveal effects or video clips.
When you start your quiz, the big screen will display your game welcome image (if you uploaded one) and a video explaining how to play take part. Once you press ‘Start Game’ on the hosting software the ‘3-2-1-Quiz’ video countdown will play, and your game will start.
At the start of each round the big screen will display the round intro image (if you uploaded one) with the quiz and round information on the right.

As you host your game the big screen will display the questions with the quiz title, round and question numbers and number of points are shown across the bottom of the screen.
After the countdown finishes big screen shows the correct answer and results. If question features like Fastest Fingers and Answer Limit are active the results of these will be shown below the results.

At the end of each round and the end of the game the big screen will display the leader board. This is also displayed on the participant app.
You can also send images like adverts or instructions to your teams and these are shown on your team’s devices and the big screen.

During a game of musical bingo, the big screen will show all of the songs included in the game and those that have been played will be highlighted in orange.
hen a player wins either four corners, one line, two lines or a full house the big screen will display their name.